
USA Embassy Scholarships 2024/2025

Are you an international student seeking funding opportunities to pursue academic goals and cultural exchange in the United States? The USA Embassy Scholarships enable qualified global scholars to access premier educational experiences at American universities through financial support.


Finding Relevant Scholarships

Use these resources to identify matches for your background and interests:

  • EducationUSA advising network – 400+ worldwide centers
  • – user profiles for personalized results
  • Fastweb – customized scholarship and financial aid matches

Benefits of Studying in America

Key advantages include:

  • World-class academics – access top research institutions
  • Diversity and inclusion – interact with varied perspectives
  • Innovation – develop creativity and problem-solving abilities
  • Career development – gain marketable skills and networks

Typical Award Packages

USA Embassy Scholarships may cover:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Accommodation and meals
  • Health insurance
  • Textbooks and supplies
  • Local transportation
  • Cultural enrichment activities

Amounts vary by source – check providers for details.

For more information, contact your regional EducationUSA office. Opportunities like the USA Embassy Scholarships enable globally minded students to grow academically while exchanging ideas.

What are the challenges of studying in the US?

Challenges of Studying in the United States

While studying in the US can provide tremendous academic and career benefits, international students may also face certain difficulties:

Financial Hurdles

  • The US has high costs for tuition, housing, healthcare, etc.
  • International students pay even higher tuition fees
  • May require scholarships, loans, campus work, etc.

Immigration Barriers

  • Strict visa application process (F1, J1, etc.)
  • Must prove English level, finances, home ties, etc.
  • Possible visa delays or rejections

Cultural Adjustments

  • Culture shock – new social norms and lifestyles
  • Potential language barriers, isolation, homesickness
  • Seek mentors, peers, counselors for support

Safety Considerations

While generally safe, risks exist related to:

  • Crime
  • Health issues
  • Severe weather
  • Political uncertainty

Should research risks, follow laws/policies, take precautions.

Planning ahead for these common challenges can help international students adapt more smoothly and get the most from their US academic journeys. Support resources are available on campuses and in communities.

1. Fulbright Scholarship

Fulbright Scholarship Program

The Fulbright Scholarship, sponsored by the US Department of State, is a highly competitive award that promotes global sharing of skills, knowledge, and mutual understanding through:

Key Programs

  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program
    • Enables international graduate students and professionals a 1-year+ study/research experience in the United States
  • Fulbright TLA Program
    • Provides opportunities for international English teaching assistants to refine skills and teach native language at US schools
  • Fulbright Specialist Program
    • Connects US professionals and academics with overseas institutions for short-term projects

Eligibility Considerations

Eligibility criteria varies by factors such as:

  • Citizenship country
  • Specific program and specialization
  • Academic level and experience
  • Foreign language skills

Application Process

Typical application components may include:

  • Online application form and fee
  • Project proposal
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letters of affiliation + recommendation
  • Language test scores (TOEFL, etc.)
  • Interview

Deadline dates and application requirements differ across countries and programs.

Learn full details at the Fulbright Program website. This prestigious exchange scholarship promotes global collaboration and problem solving.

Apply Here

2. American College of Surgeons for International Surgeons

ACS Scholarships for International Surgeons

The American College of Surgeons (ACS) offers several programs supporting specialty training, professional development, and global connections for surgeons:

Key Opportunities

  • ACS/ASBrS Intl Scholarship – Covers costs to attend conference and visit breast care centers in US (for non-US/Canada breast surgeons)
  • ACS Germany Traveling Fellowship – Enables US/Canada surgeons to attend German surgical conference and clinical site visits
  • ACS Intl Guest Scholarships – Supports non-US/Canada surgeons to attend ACS Clinical Congress and train at North American centers

Application Process

To apply, surgeons must submit:

  • Online application form
  • CV and supporting documents
  • Personal statement
  • Letters of recommendation

Eligibility and requirements differ across scholarship categories regarding:

  • Country of origin
  • Specialization
  • Years of experience
  • Leadership potential
  • English fluency


Deadline dates vary by program – confirm details on the ACS website. These scholarships facilitate invaluable opportunities for surgical education and intercultural exchange.

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3. Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program

The Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program is a merit-based scholarship program established by Orascom Construction Industries (OCI) to support Egyptian students who want to pursue undergraduate or graduate degrees in engineering, construction management, or business administration in the US.

The scholarship covers:

  • Full tuition
  • Living expenses
  • Travel costs
  • Health insurance
  • Books

The scholarship recipients are expected to return to Egypt upon completion of their studies and contribute to the economic development of their country.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program, applicants must have:

  • Egyptian nationality
  • Excellent academic record
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Financial need
  • Intention to pursue a career in engineering, construction management, or business administration in Egypt

Application Process

The application process consists of:

  • Online application form
  • Academic transcripts
  • Test scores (SAT or ACT for undergraduate applicants; GMAT or GRE for graduate applicants)
  • Essays
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Interviews

Application Deadline

The deadline for applying is usually in July for undergraduate applicants and in October for graduate applicants.

More information can be found on the official website of the Onsi Sawiris Scholarship Program.

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4. Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Humphrey Fellowship Program is a non-degree program that provides mid-career professionals from designated countries with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and professional knowledge through academic coursework, professional development activities, and networking in the US.

The Humphrey Fellowship covers:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Living allowance
  • Book allowance
  • Travel expenses
  • Health insurance
  • Professional development allowance

The Humphrey Fellows are placed at one of the participating US universities for 10 months and are expected to participate in various activities:


Academic Coursework

The Humphrey Fellows can take graduate-level courses in their field of interest or related disciplines, but they are not required to pursue a degree.

Professional Development

The Humphrey Fellows can engage in professional activities such as:

  • Internships
  • Field trips
  • Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Consultations with US experts and organizations


The Humphrey Fellows can interact with:

  • Their peers
  • Mentors
  • Host families
  • Other members of the US and international communities

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Humphrey Fellowship Program, applicants must have:

  • Citizenship and residency in a participating country
  • Undergraduate degree
  • Minimum of five years of full-time professional experience
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities and commitment to public service
  • English language proficiency

The application process varies depending on the country of origin. More information can be found on the official website of the Humphrey Fellowship Program.

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5. MMMF Grants for Women of Developing Countries

The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) Grants

The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) is a non-profit organization that provides grants to women from developing countries who are pursuing their education in the US or Canada.

The MMMF grants range from $15,000 to $18,000 and can be used for:

  • Tuition
  • Living expenses
  • Books
  • Travel

The grants are intended to help women who:

  • Have a record of service to women and children in their communities
  • Plan to return to their countries to improve the lives of others

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a MMMF grant, applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of an eligible developing country
  • Be enrolled at an accredited university in the US or Canada
  • Intend to return to home country within two years of completing degree
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be age 25 or older by the application deadline

Application Process

The application process consists of:

  • Online application form
  • Personal statement
  • Budget form
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Proof of admission or enrollment

The deadline for applying is usually in January.

More information can be found on the official MMMF website.

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6. 7UP Harvard Business School Scholarship

The 7UP Harvard Business School Scholarship is sponsored by Seven-Up Bottling Company Plc of Nigeria and covers the tuition, housing, and travel expenses for two Nigerian students who are admitted to the Harvard Business School MBA program.

The scholarship recipients are expected to return to Nigeria and work for Seven-Up for at least two years after graduation.

Eligibility and Application

The eligibility criteria and application process are the same as the Harvard Business School MBA program.

You can find more information on the official website of the 7UP Harvard Business School Scholarship.

The key details are:

  • Sponsor: Seven-Up Bottling Company Plc of Nigeria
  • Recipients: 2 Nigerian students
  • Program: Harvard Business School MBA
  • Covers: Tuition, housing, travel
  • Service requirement: Work for Seven-Up in Nigeria for 2 years post-graduation

Meeting the eligibility criteria and applying through the Harvard Business School website is required.

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7. Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Nations

Vera R. Campbell Foundation Fellowship

The Vera R. Campbell Foundation Fellowship is offered by the Vera R. Campbell Foundation and supports female social scientists from developing countries who are working on issues related to the empowerment of women and girls.

The fellowship provides a six-month residency at the School for Advanced Research (SAR) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the fellows can:

  • Conduct research
  • Write
  • Collaborate with other scholars

The fellowship also covers:

  • Travel expenses
  • Living allowance
  • Health insurance
  • Library access

Eligibility and Application

The eligibility criteria and application process are available on the official website of the Campbell Fellowship.

Key details:

  • For: Female social scientists from developing countries
  • Field of study: Women’s and girl’s empowerment
  • Residency: 6 months at SAR in Santa Fe, NM
  • Benefits: Travel, living allowance, insurance, library

Check eligibility criteria and apply through the fellowship website.

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8. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Borlaug Fellowship Program

The USDA Borlaug Fellowship Program is named after Dr. Norman E. Borlaug, a Nobel laureate who is considered the father of the Green Revolution.

The program aims to enhance food security and agricultural productivity in developing countries by providing training and collaborative research opportunities for:

  • Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Policymakers

The program covers:

  • Travel expenses
  • Living allowance
  • Health insurance
  • Research costs

for 6 to 12 weeks in the US or another host country.

Eligibility and Application

The eligibility criteria and application process vary depending on the:

  • Country of origin
  • Field of study

You can find more information on the official website of the USDA Borlaug Fellowship Program.

Key details:

  • Honors Dr. Norman Borlaug, Nobel laureate
  • Enhances food security and agriculture in developing countries
  • Provides training and research opportunities
  • 6-12 week fellowships in US or other host country
  • Covers travel, living costs, insurance, research
  • Eligibility and application varies by country/field

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9. East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship

The East-West Center (EWC) Graduate Degree Fellowship is offered by the East-West Center, a public educational and research institution that promotes better relations and understanding among the people and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the US.

The fellowship provides funding for up to 24 months for master’s or doctoral degree study at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa (UHM) in fields relevant to the EWC’s mission and themes.

The fellowship covers:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Health insurance
  • Book allowance
  • Housing
  • Participation in EWC activities

Eligibility and Application

The eligibility criteria and application process are available on the official website of the East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship.

Key details:

  • Offered by the East-West Center
  • Funds graduate study at University of Hawai’i at Manoa
  • Up to 24 months of support
  • Relevant fields to EWC’s mission
  • Covers tuition, fees, insurance, housing, allowance
  • Check website for eligibility and application

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10. Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD)

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD) is sponsored by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA).

It provides one semester of non-degree academic study at a US college or university for undergraduate students from around the world.

The program also includes:

  • Cultural immersion
  • Community service
  • Professional development activities

UGRAD covers:

  • Travel expenses
  • Tuition and fees
  • Room and board
  • Health insurance
  • Small stipend

Eligibility and Application

The eligibility criteria and application process vary depending on the country of origin.

You can find more information on the official UGRAD website.

Key details:

  • Sponsored by US Department of State
  • 1 semester of study at a US college for international undergrads
  • Covers travel, tuition, room/board, insurance, stipend
  • Includes cultural, service, professional activities
  • Eligibility and application varies by country

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